
yukio ninagawa中文是什么意思

  • 蜷川幸雄
  • 例句与用法
  • Natsuki has participated in musical theatre, including that of Yukio Ninagawa.
  • Comedian Frankie Sakai played Akabane GenzM and Yukio Ninagawa Hazama JkjirM.
  • From the 1970s he starred in several of Yukio Ninagawa's productions, including an acclaimed role as Macbeth.
  • Despite a high-powered Peer Gynt for the Japanese director Yukio Ninagawa, we British have barely registered him ourselves.
  • Yukio Ninagawa is an internationally known Japanese director and playwright who often turns to elements of Shakespeare for inspiration.
  • In theatrical works, he is known for collaborating with Yukio Ninagawa, one of the most influential directors in Japan.
  • Japanese theatre director Yukio Ninagawa said of him, " Hideki Noda is the most talented playwright in contemporary Japan ."
  • He has collaborated on projects with leading directors, Trevor Nunn, Richard Eyre, Sam Mendes, Yukio Ninagawa and Adam Cooper, Julie Walters, Rowan Atkinson and Michael Sheen.
  • He has collaborated on projects with leading directors : Trevor Nunn, Richard Eyre, Sam Mendes, Yukio Ninagawa and Adam Cooper, Julie Walters, Rowan Atkinson and Michael Sheen.
  • Already this year's non-American program involves a production by St . Petersburg's Maly Drama Theater of " The Possessed " by Dostoyevsky and a Japanese version of " Hamlet, " directed by Yukio Ninagawa.
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